

With our conversion tools we offer you the possibility to convert numbers, addresses and characters quickly and easily into another format. No matter if you want to convert an IP address, an ASN or simply a string, here you will find the tool that makes this task easier.

Decimal to hexadecimal

With this function you can convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers, this is useful for example to convert ASNs or IPv4 addresses to IPv6 or MAC addresses.

IPv4 to Integer

Convert an Internet address specified according to the IPv4 protocol from dot format to long integer.

UNIX-Timestamp to Datetime

Convert a timestamp in integer format to a date.

Hexadecimal to decimal

This function allows you to convert hexadecimal numbers such as IPv6 or MAC addresses to decimal numbers.

Integer to IPv4

Convert a long integer to an Internet address specified according to the IPv4 protocol from dot format.

Datetime to UNIX-Timestamp

This converts a date into a UNIX timestamp.

IPv4 to MAC-Address

Convert an IPv4 address to a MAC address

String to hexadecimal

Convert a string to hexadecimal.

Decimal to binary for DIP switches

The addresses for some decoders are specified by means of DIP switches in binary format. Here you can enter the group address and get the DIP switch positions as a graphic.
